Knowledge In a Field and Using A.I.

(Originally Posted July 21st 2023)

With all the fast-tracking of mundane tasks A.I. offers with the many tools and features being created, it can be easy for workers to see why they might be replaced by an A.I. Generally the A.I. generates an acceptable creation that the prompter can tweak and fine-tune until the creation is exactly what a company wanted. The only thing A.I. doesn’t ‘actually’ have is first-hand knowledge and ‘exactly’ what is expected from its creations based on experience. Marketers might know the type of wordings that attract people to read the message or ad, crafters will know the special terms and phrases used in a profession that the common person wouldn’t know, artists and designers have knowledge on specific techniques and methods that go into creating something unique, ETC. The A.I. might know what the term is and what the technique is but only somebody who has in-depth knowledge of that specific field will know what the end product should look like. This is an important piece of information that many don’t quite understand yet! A person with deep knowledge of a work/profession field using A.I. with the proper and correct phrases/terms can create something far greater than (Example Name) who just tells the A.I. to “Create something that looks like X”.

Being concise, knowing the terms, techniques, and styles, and knowing what the end product should look like will give the work/profession experienced person an advantage over a person who has no clue exactly what they are trying to replicate/create should look like. A.I. is still in its early days and if there was a time to learn about A.I. that time would be now.

Helpful advice:

Look up “How (Input Profession here) are using A.I.” on Google or Youtube to help gain a better understanding of how A.I. tools are being used by people in a similar vocation.

Knowledge in a field/profession is still valuable. Figure out how to include it in ways that make creations and ventures unique.

Good luck!