Having a focus space for business and learning

(Originally Posted on August 15th 2023)

Some of the most common advice given by entrepreneurs is to have a space that is separate from other areas. When focusing on a prospect it is important to create a space specifically for that thing. Having a space void of distractions that might cloud the possible ideas or detract from the intended focus object. This ‘Designated space’ is supposed to be for the entrepreneur to place all their attention on the subject and not mix it up with other aspects in the area. It’s a valuable practice for business and I have brought this method into my learning!

When I begin a new knowledge prospect I begin with an empty workbook to focus all my newfound knowledge of the subject into. Each workbook is a different style of book and I can easily locate it amongst a pile to look up my information. I’ve tried using one book for notes of different subjects but unless I used different colored inks or put obvious differences on the paper. I wouldn’t know (at a glance) which note was for what subject.

It seems obvious to have a ‘designated area’ to focus on a subject but it doesn’t have to just be an ‘area’ to work, it could be a different notebook, a type of theme(Music, Ink,), or even a certain day of the week to focus on the subject matter. Having a select thing ‘designated’ for an avenue, whatever it may be, is a technique that should be utilized (when it is available!) as much as possible.

Helpful Advice:

Find and use certain things that allow relation with a subject. Over time the brain will recognize the pattern or style and think “Time to focus on this!”

Consistency is key to finding focus points.

Breathing deeply helps with concentration.