What are the benefits of Web3?

(Originally Posted on August 21st 2023)

“Web 3” is a decentralized internet but it isn’t supposed to replace the current internet. “Web 2” is the current internet where users congregate towards websites such as ‘Twitter'(X), ‘Facebook'(Meta), ‘Linkedin’, to discuss, debate, and express themselves on a social platform while companies such as ‘Amazon’, ‘Walmart’, ‘Macy’s’ and many other stores have a website for customers to access and purchase items from their stores directly online.

For developers, musicians, writers, streamers, and other creative professionals, They would need to access a platform that offers a space for their creations but the terms to sign up might limit the freedom of spreading it beyond the platform. Everything posted on Web 3 is connected to an account that has generated keys that only the holder has access to, posting on a decentralized platform first with an account the creator has the keys for ensures ownership of the posted creation before any other platform has a chance to bind it to their terms.

It helps provide a sense of security knowing that if a Web 2 platform decides to unlist content or even delete an account then the content is still available to find online and the creator has full control of it. There are many other benefits to participating in ‘Web 3’, finding out what it is now will help in the future.

Helpful links:

https://www.techtarget.com/searchcio/tip/The-biggest-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-Web-30 – Explains some of the pros and cons of Web 3

https://www.ccn.com/7-key-benefits-of-web3/ – Deeper look at the key features of Web 3

https://ethereum.org/en/web3/ – Brief history of the web and a more detailed explanation of different aspects of Web 3.