Acting on Ideas

(Originally Posted on August 25th 2023)

Entrepreneurs get ideas all the time, It’s just natural. There are always going to be questions of “How can I even approach this?”, “Is there even a market for this?”, “What knowledge is required to start?”, “How can others take this seriously?”. Thoughts like this can drown the idea and no action will be made to start it.

It’s actually easier than many think to just begin. Expectations should be lowered when starting something, it’s not going to look pretty at first but neither is a construction site when it sets up to construct a building. Start with a rough draft explaining the idea, who it is for, and where people will go to get it(Physical, digital, ETC), Draw a sketch of whatever the main object is in the idea, and its end purpose.

There it is, the idea in visual form! What’s the next step? Research. Funding? Manufacturing/Distribution? Website? What makes the most sense to further grow the idea? It may seem like there are protocols and procedures to go through to achieve the next step but it’s all right there for anybody determined enough to grasp.

Helpful Advice:

Do a Google search or ask a generative chat A.I. “How to manufacture an item to sell” “How to begin distributing items” “How to begin get funding for an idea” and similar questions. It’s laid out simply enough and the options are available for anybody to start.

Work out each step as progression is made towards the goal and as additional aspects begin to appear, slowly add them into the process.

Keep track of every step and progress of the culmination of the idea.