Keeping the Inspiration

(Originally Posted on August 30th 2023)

Learning all these subjects is a task in itself and after a while, I have a hard time wanting to continue keeping up with the latest news. The technology keeps updating, the rules continue changing, and the parameters that were once the ‘foundation’ that everybody agreed to is a whole new thing entirely! It’s daunting, it’s a mental overload, and it takes too much time to figure out the ‘new thing’.

So how do I muster the strength to continue researching these topics? I have to find inspiration. Talking to peers is an excellent way but I find myself gauging how hyped I should be from their responses, if I get a lackluster reply then my drive to continue pursuing whatever the subject is dries up. When I read about success stories other people have had with these new technologies there is inspiration but it is easy for me to get lost in comparisons and feel like the opportunity those people had is no longer available and I missed my shot. I’ll try reading a book or article related to the subject to reorient myself and remember why I started learning these things, but if it’s something I already know then I feel like I am wasting time that would be better spent doing research.

Recently I’ve realized that no matter the material, it shouldn’t be me ‘needing’ to be inspired to learn something, it should be me learning how to better use these tools in unique ways for myself and to share it with others. The objective of inspiration isn’t to ‘deject’, but to find a method of thought, talk, and figure out a way to complete the objectives that make up a finished goal.

These subjects are currently the ‘latest’ in easily accessible technology and to pass up knowledge and usage of these tools while it is still in the early days would be a missed opportunity for any venture.

Helpful Advice:

– Try and figure out unique ways these tools can be used on a personal level

– Don’t get caught in the trap of needing ‘reaction’ or Fear of Missing out

– Write down reminders/reasons why these subjects and topics are worth learning about.