Dabbling with Generative A.I.

(Originally Posted on September 5th 2023)

Even if there are no plans to ‘use’ A.I. or include it in a business, it is still important to at least know the capabilities A.I. possesses and how others might use it, either to communicate, give an example of the work the customer wants done or to recognize nefarious things such as theft of assets, and plagiarism of content. The laws are still being placed so for now it is up to the individuals to protect and arm themselves with the knowledge of what and how generative A.I. could affect their professional and personal lives.

Watch a video, read an article, listen to an audio interview or conference concerning A.I., look up A.I. policies that protect businesses, and search the types of generative A.I. that seem like a concern for business. Anything that might be useful in gaining knowledge of how A.I. might be used! This is new technology being introduced and refined for application in almost any space and staying uninformed might spell the end of a person’s professional career.

 Knowledge of how new things(Machines, Technologies, Techniques,) change an industry should be exciting but it seems like many are calling it “The end of human workers!”. “A.I.” is being used in many industries already, but now that it is capable of ‘generation’ of text, images, and speech, and receiving specific inputs that allow a person to tweak its ‘generation’ to better fit the context, there is panic about ‘Generative A.I.’ replacing jobs. Knowledge is key to surviving this “Industry shift” and knowing the difference is vital for any business, both workers and owners.

Helpful Links:

https://www.imaginarycloud.com/blog/how-artificial-intelligence-is-transforming-every-industry-2/ – lists of ‘A.I’ in industries that are already in use.

https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/the-economic-potential-of-generative-ai-the-next-productivity-frontier#business-value – Long article of Generative A.I. uses now and in the future.

https://www.fastcompany.com/90926893/pov-ai-will-hurt-businesses-heres-how-to-protect-yours – Overview of how generative A.I. can negatively affect businesses and what to look out for.

https://www.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/news/2023/07/17/protect-from-generative-ai-cybersecurity-threats.html – Another look at securities to look at when approaching generative A.I.