Finding a specific ‘Use Case’

(Originally Posted on September 12th 2023)

There are many ways to use these tools, assets, and new technologies. Learning them is a good foundation, even if there is no interest, but if a use case can be found in personal or business life then that would be a good source of motivation to continue learning about these things. So what are some examples of use cases beyond the concept?

– Smart Contracts: Blockchains are sometimes referred to as a ‘Digital ledger’ that keeps track of every transaction and allows the use of ‘Smart Contracts’. Smart Contracts, if researched and utilized correctly, can be used in a wide range of digital and physical assets! Smart contracts can be utilized to keep track of physical properties, digital and physical objects, and agreements between parties. The transfer of these things can be tracked on the Blockchain for ease of confirmation.

– Tokens: Tokens can be used for multiple things from owning pieces of an asset, for access and use to a decentralized app, to even supporting a project! Some groups have even made tokens for their community to add another level of interactivity between members. Tokens could even be a novelty element to whatever the token is attached to!

– Generative A.I.: The ‘fad’ of this year, “Generative A.I.” promises to make mundane tasks easier, increase productivity, and improve creative workflows. It all depends on who is using it! Many other companies have said the same thing about their ‘voice assistants’ on their phones. So what can Generative A.I. do beyond what many are saying? The chat service A.I can be assigned a role and be used as a soundboard to bounce ideas off of or to give analysis on a topic from the viewpoint of the assigned role. The image generation A.I. could be used to explore imagination and expand concepts beyond current capabilities.

– Web 3: Don’t think that the current internet is ending with this ‘next stage of the Web’. While Web 3 is confusing it can potentially be a powerful tool for creators and communities. There are many stories of long-running communities on popular social platforms being deleted without warning or popular creator accounts being deleted or silenced for often unknown reasons. Web 3 offers participants complete ownership of content, community, and assets.

Finding a use case and Knowing how to use it is different from individual to individual and researching these topics is crucial for finding a specific one.

 especially because it is difficult to find amongst all the articles, videos, and similar search results along with getting lost in all the nuances, terms, how things interact, and general mayhem from being an early adopter of these technologies.

So here are some links that plainly explain and teach the foundation of these subjects! That is the whole point of this website, for me to share the useful knowledge points I have found and to ease the search through the muck.

– Helpful Links!: – Overview and examples of Smart Contracts – Alternate overview of Smart Contracts – Learn about how to prompt the different types of “Generative A.I.” – Aggregator of different ‘Generative’ A.I.s for specific purposes – Overview of tokenization – Different overview of Tokens – Overview of Web 3 use cases – More examples of Web 3 use cases – A Web 3 Platform I participate in. Check out the ‘ecosystem’ tab and see what applications are available!

– Helpful Advice:

Always do your own research!

These early technologies are constantly changing, so make sure searched articles and videos about specific interests are within a reasonable time frame.

Focus on understanding one topic first before moving on to the next.

These subjects and technologies are still in their early stages, do not spread yourself thin or get lost in a ‘Fear of Missing out(FoMo)’ mindset.

Use a notebook or document to keep track of anything that seems interesting and how it could be useful for personal or professional use.