Concerning ‘Mindset’

(Originally Posted on September 17th 2023)

Putting your mind to a venture is important when starting something new and an explanation of the type of mindset is often required to understand what the attainable goal is. As a young entrepreneur going to a variety of conferences,(Business, Homeschool, Entrepreneurial)  I have listened to a lot of the speakers, attendees, and sponsors talk about ‘Mindset’ at great length.

It’s easy for many to obtain a certain mindset if they feel it will change their life but the thing that isn’t often touched upon are the steps to move forward with the ‘Mindset’ for this new venture. I understand that is what the courses being sold are for, but some of the courses I’ve taken just expand upon the definition of the mindset instead of providing the necessary steps to progress past the initial stage.

To some, maybe the next steps seemed obvious once they fully understood the mindset but for me, I required more. A list of steps or instructions to try and progress through, points of contact/content I could try and research, relative subjects and topics I should look up to expand my knowledge, anything to actually feel like I was progressing through my new venture.

It’s probably easier to explain ‘Mindset’ than it is the ‘Next steps’ but a foundation without a building plan is just an empty block. 

Knowing the steps towards progression, any progression, is vital for attaining the goal that was set when the ‘Mindset’ was established, so what are the next steps to take?

For me, it was researching every possible source of information concerning the subject. Youtube, Podcasts, Articles, writing down whatever was relevant and could help me consider my next steps. Coming up with strategies to try and checking out if others had done something similar. Just trying to make sense of what I should’ve been looking for.

The path toward a goal is never always ‘pretty’ or ‘perfect’, it can be cleaned up later, but as long as steps for progression are made then that is all that actually matters.

Helpful Advice:

Plenty of tutorials online. Check out some and see if they coincide with or clear up the next steps.

Look up books that explain a venture and its process in full.

Utilize ‘Generative A.I.’ to get ideas on how to progress in a venture. See what they have to say and research if it is a viable solution.