Staying Current with Technology Developments

(Originally Posted October 8th 2023)

By now, everybody has an explanation of what ‘Blockchain’, ‘Generative A.I.’ and ‘Web3’ are, and every new article, video, or audio released will usually have a quick overview of what they are at the beginning before talking about the headlined topic. Different sites will often show the same piece of news and it can be increasingly difficult finding out recent developments in the technology.

These areas are still relatively fresh and new developments are shared within the communities, but where do communities go to share new ideas and developments? Conferences, Speaking presentations, and showcases. Doing a web search for ‘Generative A.I. speaker presentation’ or ‘Blockchain conference’ reveals all types of clips, interviews, whole presentations, and discussions on stage. The information, topics, and general idea of purpose are all important to see which direction the community is taking this new technology.

These events are happening in every major city and almost all of them are being recorded to view online for the attendees and the inquisitive, these events are where the most recent updates can be found. Just because everybody ‘knows’ about a topic doesn’t mean every aspect has been discovered and discussed. It should be a goal to find as much information as possible when venturing into these spaces, either for better understanding or to gain new ideas for a use case.

Helpful Advice:

– Try to find events within a month’s timeframe so the information is still relevant

– These technologies are global and so are the conferences. Don’t let a language barrier halt knowledge! many of the presentations have options for subtitles

– Keep a notebook handy for any interesting concepts