Lining up the Purpose and Utility toward my Goal

(Originally Posted on October 14th 2023)

For me, the biggest topic I research is the ‘purpose’ of a tool, platform, application, or asset. and the ‘Utility’ behind them. I think understanding where I stand within the concept gives me a clear idea of how I should use it. Looking up articles or videos explaining why it was created helps, but I need a clear definition for me and my goals. I don’t want to be spinning my wheels wondering if I am making progress, I need to have objectives, reasons why I am participating, an end goal.

My interest in Blockchain stems from learning all the ways it can be used for finance, business, and transferrence of data.

My interest in Cryptocurrency stems from discovering the different types of currency, how they operate and affect countries on a global scale, along with figuring out alternative means of value.

My interest in Web 3 comes from the decentralization factor, community integration, and ‘True Ownership’ of data.

My interest in ‘Generative A.I.’ begins with the ‘uncertainty’ of workers for the future.

It’s all new, its all becoming mainstream, and currently not everybody understands how it all connects. These things LOOK like they are going to become the new ‘normal’ in the next few years as people begin to understand, but I won’t say ‘It is’ until I take the personal responsibility to clearly understand, explain, and show others the hows, whys, and whats, of what these new ‘frontiers’ are offering.

This is why it is important to find a personal reason to get involved with these subjects. Don’t listen to the ‘hype’ or feel ‘Fear of Missing out(FoMo)’ just because anybody else is doing it. My advice for getting started? Research, learn it, find a utilization goal, and if it aligns with an agreeable future, do it.

Helpful Advice:

These are still the early days. No rush!

This post is me sharing my personal reasons. Everybody should figure out their own reason for getting involved.

These new technologies may seem complicated now but it is getting easier to understand.