Entrepreneur Tip: Keep Track of Ideas

(Originally Posted on October 21st 2023)

I cannot stress the importance of writing down ideas that form out of seemingly nothing. It may seem like such a grand idea that it can’t be forgotten but trying to remember the exact purpose of the idea and the reasoning of its creation at another time is often difficult to recall, at least for me. There are multiple factors(Season, Scent, Feeling, What is being read/watched, ETC) that could generate a good idea and to try and replicate that moment of clarity is almost impossible.

It doesn’t matter if the idea doesn’t seem feasible or make complete sense now, just write it down. The concepts, the requirements, the purpose, who it would help, how it would work, the roles needed for each task, simple diagrams showing an example of the idea in action or how it would look, anything and everything that appears during that moment of ideal clarity.

Taking the time to write these things down can help ‘cement’ the idea to memory and the plan will already drafted when the time comes for the idea to be created. I find that distractions occur more frequently while I am writing down an idea, my advice is to ignore them as best as possible and to remain focused on finishing the outline of the idea.

I think of the majority that CAN use my idea but the key to success is often the minority/niche group of people that WOULD benefit especially from the idea if it were physicalized.

That’s all for now!

Helpful Advice:

– Think wide but focus small(Niche)

– Always keep a record(Notes, Audio, Video, Recording)

– Always take a relook at an idea and check if it is more/easily doable today