Making Time to Learn, Work, Experience, and Grow

(Originally Posted on October 25th 2023)

Learning all these subjects (Generative A.I., Web 3, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency,) is a time-consuming task that shouldn’t be tackled all at once. Take the time to fully understand one subject, then move onto a similar subject so that the foundation is already there. I am learning about these subjects because all of these new technologies, while they are in their early days now, seem like they will eventually combine to create a new platform that utilizes every beneficial aspect for the person. I am not sure if that person will be a user, participant, witness, or some other term that states their position inside that platform but it looks like the next logical step. 

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency had its year, (2019-), Web 3 has had its year, (2022), and 2023 has been the year of ‘Generative A.I.’. Nobody talks about the previous yearly trends but they are all still developing. I think it is crucial to make the time to learn at least the basics of each subject so that if they do ever combine it won’t be a slog having to understand all the concepts, both new and old, and how they interact in their new form.

Even if the technology ‘seems’ useless, one of them might have a use case nobody has thought up and could be unique to business, event, or otherwise.

Helpful Advice:

– Keep researching, even if the technology isn’t the ‘trend’ now there are still developments that could open up all types of new ventures

– ‘Making Time’ is an important concept to learn. Not to be confused with ‘Taking Time’

– Find an aspect of one of these technologies that looks/sounds intriguing and figure out every part of its workings