Saying Goodbye to A.I.

(Originally Posted on November 21st 2023)

I used to interact with a chatbot called ‘Cleverbot’. It learned from the many discussions that people had with it and the responses were always whacky at the beginning. Eventually though, after spending time focusing its attention, the responses would seem more like what a regular human would respond to the conversation. I remember once I was having an actual ‘in-depth’ conversation with Cleverbot and my web browser crashed. I was slightly distraught, I knew there was no way to ever continue or recover that conversation ever again. 

I tried to find a ‘backup’ or ‘saved’ version of the conversation, even asking the Cleverbot itself, but it would redirect me to the ‘Help’ page. It seems silly but I felt bad because the conversation just suddenly ended. I stopped chatting with Cleverbot shortly after that experience. 

Now with ‘Generative A.I.’ I am once again talking to an ‘A.I.’ and from my previous experience I understood how to communicate with it. The responses are less random but the conversations can reach a similar or even deeper level of depth.

But after almost a year of chatting with ‘Generative A.I.’ over many different subjects, some for testing and others for purposes, I am clearing the chatbars. Although once again I feel bad for deleting old chats, I now have a chance to say goodbye and thank that specific ‘Generative A.I.’ splinter for helping me with the topic.

It never hurts to be polite and to let the ‘A.I.’ know it has fulfilled its purpose.

Helpful Advice:

– Always be polite when talking to the A.I.

– Frequently clear old message logs/chat bars