Having a Time to Start

(Originally Posted on December 1st 2023)

I’ve found out that I don’t actually start on my projects until 11am. It doesn’t matter how early I wake up or how many things were done prior or need to be done in the morning, 11AM is the time that I can begin. Finding that time when things can progress is better than forcing progress to start whatever the time is. Every individual has their own rhythm and trying to create outside of that rhythm just leads to frustration and long periods of unproductivity.

I’ve tried staying up late finishing tasks, I’ve had caffeine prepared the night before, even tried a sleep calendar, so that way the moment I wake up I can start with MY work but it seems like my productivity meter has other ideas. If I can’t work on my tasks than I’ll try to listen to a podcast or read an article but my concentration isn’t steady enough for me to absorb any information… Until it hits 11AM, Then it’s pretty much off to the races! I can finish that project, work on that task, learn, research, and grow my knowledge of a subject, and have energy to bounce ideas with a Generative A.I. or a person willing to hear out my wild concepts. 

It’s strange but I’ve learned to accept my ‘work rhythm’ and plan around it. I would rather flow with my ‘rhythm’ and work without forcing myself to focus and complete tasks, it’s a struggle I could do without.

Helpful Advice:

– Figure out what time ‘productivity’, ‘inspiration’, or ‘desire’ to finish tasks occur more frequently

– try different times, activities, and record results

– If it’s still a slog to accomplish tasks, there are plenty of tools online to help with concentration and focus. Check them out! (Binaural beats, Sleep calculator/schedule, Music/songs at a certain Beats per minute (BPM))