Using Different Strategies for Concepts

(Originally Posted on December 11th 2023)

I’ve learned many things as an entrepreneur, the ways to approach different businesses and how to incite conversation about the subject. It’s usually taking a nonchalant approach and just bringing up whatever the business is in conversation, instead of smacking the other party in the face with the concept. 

This tactic usually requires bringing up the concept casually multiple times across multiple conversations to the same parties so their own curiosity gets them to ask ‘What is that?” THEN it’s okay to go into more detail about the subject. It feels a little manipulative so I don’t partake in this activity often. But when conversations are happening and platforms are discussed I will bring up specific platforms in an ‘As an alternative to’ approach and inform people that there are other platforms that could be what they are looking for and they work. 

Using an ‘Alternative to’ method seems to work well for me, Everybody knows the mainline platforms/subjects that are always being talked about in the news, ad spaces, and other media, but when an alternative is brought up with a brief description of the similarities and potential benefits, it draws attention and the natural curiosity that provokes action.

Yes, it is still bringing up a topic in conversation but I am not selling it, I am just explaining what I use and why I use it and if others are interested then I am happy to show them how it works.

But there are plenty of ‘tactics’, ‘methods’, and ‘strategies’, that were created for a specific concept/subject. What if those strategies could be altered to work for a different concept? I’ve done it before and while it’s an ‘amalgamation’, it suits my character and fits with the concept I am describing. 

Helpful Advice:

– Look at strategies often used for ‘specific’ scenarios and see how they can be altered to fit a new concept/scenario

– Natural curiosity is an amazing feeling and once it takes hold then it is okay to go further with details.

– Not every guide is ‘1 for 1’ in every situation. Alter the strategy to fit the character and concept.