Revisiting the Foundation

(Originally Posted on February 21st 2024)

It’s good to review more recent informational videos on these new technologies(Blockchain, Web3, Generative A.I.) as now the instructors better understand what they are teaching and there isn’t as much of a ‘hype’ cloud surrounding these subjects that could hinder the knowledge being taught entirely.

Recent tutorials/instructors now have a solid grasp of the technology and its use cases. All of the information taught is clear and concise without getting lost in the technical aspects that tend to happen when learning about new technology. Instead of going through several 45+ minute tutorials on a subject, all of the necessary information is now relayed within 15-25 minutes in one tutorial.

Examples are no longer given surrounding ‘hype’ reasons for partaking in these technologies but are given with an actual use case in mind for the individual.

Revisiting the ‘Foundational Knowledge’ was important to me because I wanted to know what newer entrants were being taught and instructed on. While the upper tiers of knowledge are the ‘meat’ of the subjects and the place where others want to reach and stay in, it is important for a researcher to come back and review that ‘foundation’ material.

– Helpful Advice:

– Check out recent tutorials about the basics of a ‘new technology’ subject.

– Observe how concise the information flow is compared to the tutorials from years prior

– Refreshers are always a good thing.