How Important Definition Is

(Originally Posted on March 1st 2024)

Definitive wording and terminology is more important than ever when describing ‘New Technologies’ such as Blockchain, Web3, and Generative A.I. The filler generalized buzzwords have ZERO VALUE to the general public now. They’ve been overused by the ‘hype’ promoters and early adopters. In those early days though information was hazy and some information was misconstrued and had the wrong word associated with the meaning.

Many of these words stuck though and were brought up to everybody’s face whenever the subject came up. Using those buzzwords now when talking to someone will almost always elicit an eye-roll and sigh along with them mentally tuning out whatever I’m about to say next. I’ve had to increase my vocabulary and use words that are more specific to what I am talking about. Definition is so critical because it allows the subject to overcome the negative connotations.

Physical dictionaries and Thesaruses are tools I am using to gain a better understanding of definitive words and their true meaning. Words are constantly changing and evolving so it’s always good to have a physical source to point to when figuring out which word best works to describe an aspect or utility of New Technologies.

The excuse of ‘Not having enough resources’ isn’t valid anymore. The haze of the early days for these technologies are gone and general/filler words will not do to inform others of their true intentions.

Helpful Advice:

– Don’t trust online dictionaries. The words shown can be altered and the definitions changed entirely without any prior knowledge. Physical is the most steady resource.

– I am always looking up words/terms that are heard constantly to see if they truly have meaning on the subject. I suggest others to do the same

– I’ve been purchasing dictionaries/thesaruses from different eras (1990s – 2000s – 2020s) to get a better understanding of how the definitions of words changes over the years. Check it out at the next visit to the nearest bookstore or local library.