Observing how other Nations and Countries are adopting the Tech

(Originally Posted on March 18th 2024)

I’ve noticed many conferences and speakers events happening in countries that have a lax demeanor towards new technology such as Web3/Blockchain, Generative A.I. and all the facets they bring to the table. They don’t have as big an issue with the technology and thus are  likely to benefit the most from adding it to their infrastructure.

Everybody speaks about the benefits to both the participants and the developers/holders but why does it seem like there is a huge pushback from corporations and governments? Well, the status quo and control are always a thing to consider but disregarding that side of the argument for the moment, why are so many against the tools these technologies bring to the table?

Is it just the regular pushback that advancements in machinery, streamlined processes, and better tools always get because it requires people to learn a whole new method or is there just a deficient amount of knowledge and hands-on evidence to insinuate the change?

I’m glad other nations have such relaxed positions regarding the use of the technology. It does bring people who want to utilize the tools to their fullest potential options if their current nation/country decides to over-regulate or heavily inhibit access to the tools.

It’s a bit of a ‘bravery test’ though to move to another country with the main reason being allowed full access to the utility of the technology.

I suppose it’s how much you believe in the technology beyond the ‘hype’ and knowing oneself along with what could be accomplished with unrestrained access to the technology.

The chances of it reaching a high level of restriction are probably extremely low though(IMO). The corporations and current tech leaders have invested too much of their resources just to let a fidgety law override everything they’ve created. We’ll see though!

Helpful Advice:

– Pay Attention to the locations where speakers are speaking to. They are there to talk about something to an audience that will benefit from the speech

– Convention videos are easily found a week or two after the event and are a good resource of knowledge

– Learn what is available and figure out how to utilize it.