Looking at how the Workers are Using the Technology

(Originally Posted on March 26th 2024)

There are many example ‘Use Cases’ of a technology when it’s talked about. “It can do this, It can do that, It might be used for those, they can be utilized to shortcut these.” That’s all good to hear but theory and practical application are two completely different spheres that don’t often join together.

So listening and watching the developers talk about their technology is great but a better way to gain a true understanding of how the technology will be utilized is to check out the professionals and how they use the tools available. Workers, Creators, and Developers, of every industry at every level.

Don’t just look up ‘People using (Insert Technology)’ but actually type in a profession and the technology subject to see how that specific individual in the profession is using the technology. Fine-tuning search inputs and keeping the dates recent will help with finding relevant resources but check it out and see the TRUE uses of the technology.

Things have been developed for certain purposes but once it is given to the workforce everything changes. The true ‘Purpose’ of the device/tool/technology is finally revealed and spread amongst the workforce as its actual use case is defined. Don’t let the examples of what the technology could do determine what it can actually do in the real world.

– Helpful Advice:

– Stay up to date with professions and the possible changes in their industries that the new technology might bring.

– Look up ACTUAL people using the technology and not the corporations.

– There is always more to technology than what is being told.