Following Personal Interests to find Knowledge

(Originally Posted on April 6th 2024)

Reading up on new technologies can quickly become exhausting as there is just so much to it. I’ve slogged through articles, research papers, courses, and the like only for the words, terms, and meanings to become blurs across my screen. It all becomes nonsense after a while without proper direction.

I decided to look in an industry I am interested in, Gaming, and research how new technologies are changing aspects of that industry. I enjoy gaming because of the stories(Writing), The setting/premise(World Building/Art), The voice acting(Acting), character addons(Assets), and the gameplay(Input/visual of play). This helped me find a direction which I could now focus on certain parts of a new technology instead of being drowned in information about everything it can do.

Finding knowledge and research is easier when there is clear direction of a subject instead of looking at the subject as a whole. So instead of starting with looking up what a technology is capable of doing to EVERYTHING, research how a new technology could change SOMETHINGS in an industry. I’ve found this prevents overflow of technical terms and getting lost in the weeds of the subject.

Helpful Advice:

– Start small, find one subject and see how new technology might or will change that one thing.

–  Again, Look up professions and how the workers are utilizing new technology, if at all, and determine if its a positive or a negative to the subject.

– Choosing a preferred industry is one way to stay motivated in research.