Using an Asset to it’s Fullest Potential

(Originally Posted on April 8th 2024)

The redefinition of ‘Asset’ is important to learn right now. Physical assets are known and are usually referred as items/things within ones possession/holdings. But what about in a digital space?

Recognizing that every comment, post, upload, and creation submitted on a digital platform are assets gives an individual more power than they realize. That same ‘asset’ could be utilized over and over again on different platforms for multiple purposes, if it fit the situation/scenario, and continue growing with each additional use.

But of course, the depth behind the idea of the asset is crucial in its distance and usability. If I were to go to a video and comment ‘First!’ how could that be taken further? I suppose I could show off the responses I get from others who detest people who only comment ‘First!’ or even explain why writing ‘First!’ makes me better than everyone else, but what’s the maximum use I could get out of that particular asset? Probably not much.

But if I were to instead take my time building a chain of assets(Comments/Uploads) surrounding a specific subject then I could compile it all together, once I felt it was finished or made a clear enough point, that then I reuse it once again and have a bolder framework to show off.

Creating depth when harnessing assets is an aspect that many should begin considering when choosing to participate on a digital platform. Knowing what data is personally owned and what the platform owns is also critical in understanding what an individual’s digital assets truly are.

Thank you for reading.

Stay Knowledgeable! 

Helpful Advice:

– Download personal data whenever possible to ensure the rights of the asset are within one’s control.

– Figure out what previous assets(Comments, Uploads, Creations, ETC) can be reutilized and repurposed to further their potential.

– Add idea and depth to future asset creations as they might prove valuable later on.