Ownership and How it Ties to Creation

(Originally Posted on May 27th 2024)

I feel like ‘Ownership’ is being left by the wayside on many fronts and that is a huge mistake. Corporations are already phasing out ‘Physical Assets’ and only allowing usage of a device/tool with a ‘subscription’ instead of handing out a ‘Certificate’ of Ownership upon purchase. I think multiplayer gaming was the first real example of how far a subscription based model can go in a digital space but has shown others how it could work and is being spread amongst physical products now.

Platforms too have authority over creations and can delete a creation at its own whim. It’s absurd when I read people’s posts claiming they’ve given up their personal blogs to focus on publishing on only social platforms. I am new to writing on Personal Blogs, but doesn’t it seem like the ones choosing the easier path(Social Platforms) are giving up their ‘Ownership’ and ‘Authority’ over their creations? I mean, they are SOCIAL platforms. Social spaces are where I go to showcase my creations or view the area of other creators, I don’t ‘create’ in that space.

To me, Social spaces are for already finished/completed creations and sharing them with others so they are aware of who I am, what I am doing, and why it exists. To show up in a social space with a half-baked premise or creation might appear endearing, but could ultimately show that I have no idea what the hell I am doing there.

“But how does this tie to Ownership?”

I might’ve gone on a rant, but Ownership, to me, is having an origin source that points directly to the creator. The creator needs a space to call their own and telling others “Oh, I create in the park.” just sounds vague and doesn’t seem like a strong source to point people towards. Lots of people are in a park and for me to find somebody there would be difficult. I don’t know what part of the park, I don’t know what time to meet, I probably wouldn’t even bother returning to visit unless I frequented the park myself.

Every business needs a location to call ‘workplace’, but they can go to a business meetup to share their work and discuss with others about their work. They don’t ‘work’ at the meetup, they only go to one when they have something worth sharing or to see what others are doing.


I feel like this strong reduction of ‘Personal Blogs’ because “It’s too much work to maintain” is a costly mistake that will bite many in the end. If the platforms retain authority over creations then nobody really ‘owns’ what they’ve ‘created’ and the platforms are free to do with the contents as they wish.

I just wanted to share my thoughts on ‘Ownership’ in a digital space. I would like for others to take hold of their creations, their data, and their digital assets, and to ensure that it is signed under their name. Otherwise who knows where it’ll end up.

Thank you for reading.