Rethinking the Concept (Re-Post)

(Originally Posted on January 11th 2024) There’s always a preferred ‘Order of Events’ to follow when crafting an original creation. First post it to a Blog, then spread the message to social platforms so it can funnel users to the personal site, then from there it can either be redistributed on other platforms or just ended. The whole goal was to bring people to the personal site and perhaps get more views along with potential interest in whatever the post was about.

But I’ve realized that Blockchain is a new resource that is available to creators as it provides an actual ‘source point’ of the creation and offers another chance to earn alternative currency before hitting mainstream platforms. I created a post on the Hive Blockchain (Referral) talking about this concept. I am essentially ‘Eating What I Serve’ here and providing ‘proof’ of concept. 

Here is the link to the starting Post

‘Ermergerd, 6 whole cents. What an honor!’ some might say but it is 6 cents I wouldn’t have earned by just posting in the regular formats. It’s just another method for my creations to go ‘further’, and I think with what many are discussing about ‘Digital Rights’, or ‘Ownership’ on digital platforms, it is important to have as many spaces for original creations to exist on with proof of having a source point.

The methods are there. May as well utilize them while I can!

Helpful Tips:

– Don’t let platforms have the power on whether to delete Original Creations or not at their whim.

– Take Control of the assets available.

– Figure out how to utilize every option(Blockchain, Social Platforms, ‘Generative A.I.’, Web3,) for personal growth.