Figuring Out How to Implement

With all this knowledge on hand it might seem easy to just implement the features of the things I’ve discussed to reach a level of success. Well, not exactly.

Blockchain is a whole technology but each blockchain has its own purpose, utility, and reason for existing and getting those things to function with Web2 sites is difficult if there is nobody developing that aspect further. Developers obviously aren’t looking to work for free and if the Blockchain community doesn’t support the project, and thus the developer, then often the project will stagnant and go inert before being left behind. There were some great plugins being built for WordPress that would dive into the Hive Blockchain but many of them got abandoned and the developers working on them have either moved on or have ceased communication on many platforms.

Generative A.I. sounds like an angel from the heavens but lucifer was also an angel. It can definitely solve many issues and help come up with new ideas or ways to move forward but depending on how much information is given, it could quickly know too much and actually harm the users intellectual property by distributing or storing what was given for others to see and utilize. There is also the whole idea that if Generative AI was used to generated something in active use then the prompter does not own it and shouldn’t receive proper credit and everything that is tied with an original creation.

Figuring out nodes and servers in regards to ownership has also been a bit of a stopgap in some ways as I try to make sense of all the code, hardware, and how to connect things. Yes, there are plenty of videos, tutorials, and guides on how to do it but just because there is legible information doesn’t mean I completely understand how to digest and implement it.

I am still making an attempt at utilizing it all for myself though and am creating workarounds, continuing to reach out to developers and support their work, and figuring it out along the way. These options all have a purpose that was created to help the sole individual but lack the ease of accessibility that many services, platforms, and companies hold in their grasp and sell to many in exchange for data, information, and potentially rights to anything made on their space.

Knowledge is readily available but understanding how to implement it properly is what’s giving me pause on my endeavors. I’m not quitting though and neither should anyone else who thinks it’s futile. There is a prize at the end of the rigamarole and it is worth continuing to work for.

Stay knowledge and stay motivated!

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