Keeping up with Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

It’s tough keeping up with the many Blockchains and the Cryptocurrencies. Looking up videos on Crypto is mainly users telling you which cryptocurrency they are hoping will quadruple in price and finding news for a specific blockchain can be difficult as many are more connected than one would thinnk. It’s hard to understand what is going on and there are so many hypemen and terms, phrases, meanings. So many are saying “Get in now or you’ve missed out!” and “Buy this and become a millionaire!”. Eventually everything seems like it’s a scam and there might be anxiety associated with not being a part of it because almost everybody is talking about “Crypto this” and “Blockchain that”. 

I can tell you that Blockchain and Cryptocurrency are still at an early stage in its life and it’s okay to not get involved right now. It is better to take time and research the subject before taking those first steps into the crypto universe. There are plenty of learning tutorials and videos to read and watch that try to explain whatever Blockchain and Cryptocurrency and why they were created,  A Decentralized Application(DApp) listing site or an exchange might hold more relative answers to discover if it’s something worth being interested in. Many of the Blockchain communities use Discord servers to discuss what is actually going on in their Blockchain group, applications on the Blockchain, associated Cryptocurrencies, and other related topics.

A word of caution about Discord, Don’t click links from unverified users on the Discord servers or in direct messages. People tend to lose common sense wherever a financial aspect is concerned and due to Cryptocurrency being seen as a monetary value and generally ‘unregulated’ there might be a high rate of unscrupulous folk trying to gain access to your accounts via those links. Set any account settings up to as much privacy as possible!

Any time is a good time to learn and if this subject piques interest then it’s time to start researching.

Helpful links: – Ensure accounts are safe and settings secure before interacting with others. – More Crypto/Blockchain basics. Yay! – DApp listing site that includes blockchains and applications associated to them.