Alternate Options

Awhile back I stumbled across this Website called ‘AlternateTo‘ and it is a resource I visit often. There are dominate platforms that always pop up at the top of a search list and will fill the list scrolling down multiple times. It’s a bit dumb when I want to see what other platforms that offer the same capabilities as the dominate one but I keep getting links to that dominate platform.

It’s a great resource with small ‘reviews’ from other users of what the differences are in comparison. Is it perfect? No. Does it help me easily find and sort the alternatives? Yes.

I’ve been learning about Personal Ownership of assets and how to control more of my assets on regular internet and Web3. I watched this video about Personal Web and one of the tools Psychcool talked about was a search engine called ‘Marginalia‘ that tends to list less corporate results and give more personal websites and a variety of forums, blogs, and other domain types related to whatever the search result was.

Alternate options other than the ‘norm’, I think, will provide a much better idea of understanding and knowledge in every regard possible and perhaps give smaller websites that boost they need to continue sharing and growing.

Don’t stay in the ‘Norm’, expand inquiries to other places because that is usually where more profound knowledge can be found.

Stay Knowledgeable!