(Originally Posted on August 15th 2023) Some of the most common advice given by entrepreneurs is to have a space that is separate from other areas. When focusing on a prospect it is important to create a space specifically for that thing. Having a space void of distractions that might cloud the possible ideas or […]
Author: jordansknowledgebase
Learning about what they do and how to use
(Originally Posted on August 11th 2023) All these ventures I’ve learned about are in their early stages of development and while many have already achieved success using them there are still many more heights to reach with any of these pieces of technology. Although many call these things a “Replacement” for what is currently available […]
Using Generative A.I. as an assistant tool
(Originally Posted on August 8th 2023) Treating Generative A.I. as a tool to assist with work can prove helpful for many if done correctly. My advice for using A.I. tools for public postings is there should always be human-created input to start off the prompt, always use personal creations (imagery, text, etc.). Having proof/ownership of […]
My experience with Entrepreneurship
(Originally Posted on August 5th 2023) “Start your own business!” “Be your own boss!” “Don’t make money for other corporations but instead make it for yourself!”. These are some of the reasons why I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur. Why would I want to work 9-5, stuck in traffic for the morning and evening […]
Different Sources
(Originally Posted August 3rd 2023) Getting news, information, knowledge, and tips from a reliable source is helpful, and often whatever they say has truth or meaning that encourages me to keep coming back to them and learn more. Even after I find somebody that ticks all the boxes, (Easy-to-understand, Recent info, straight to the point,) […]
Transferring, Swapping, and Wrapped Cryptocurrency
(Originally Posted August 2nd 2023) There are a variety of ways to ‘move’ one currency to another currency or even to a different blockchain. If the cryptocurrency is native to that blockchain then it should be an easy process to simply ‘convert’ one currency to another with no real hassle. But if the desired currency […]
How Much ‘Ownership’ does an Asset Holder have?
(Originally Posted July 31st 2023) There are a lot of hype people saying ‘You’ll own everything you purchase on the Blockchain with NFTs!” but that isn’t necessarily true. Knowledge on this subject is vital to partaking in this space but knowing the difference between what is ‘owned’ and what is ‘borrowed’ is also important in […]
What is ‘Supply’ and what makes it so important to Crypto?
(Originally Posted July 28th 2023) Cryptocurrencies usually have a set supply limit of liquid currency that is in circulation, beyond utility and useability, that is what is supposed to give it value. Cryptocurrency is inspired by the gold standard system and how it worked with Fiat. The fact that there are only ever going to […]
Using A.I. Generators
(Originally Posted July 25th 2023) There is a lot of discussion happening concerning the use of ‘art generative A.I.’ and whether the ‘prompter’ deserves respect for their effort, work, and contributions to the profession. It all seems daunting! But one thing I realize is that A.I. is meant to be used as a tool as […]
Knowledge In a Field and Using A.I.
(Originally Posted July 21st 2023) With all the fast-tracking of mundane tasks A.I. offers with the many tools and features being created, it can be easy for workers to see why they might be replaced by an A.I. Generally the A.I. generates an acceptable creation that the prompter can tweak and fine-tune until the creation […]