Author: jordansknowledgebase

NaPodPoMo 2024 Episode 17

Servers are depicted as warehouses with racks of machines whirring at an inconsiderate level of noise to process data. That is only partially true for a company. For an individual, the story is quite different and can get as miniature as required depending on the type of server one requires.

NaPodPoMo 2024 Episode 14

Replacement is a word often thrown around in Blockchain and Generative AI. It is especially prevalent in regards to Generative AI and with relatively good reason. Though I’ve come to realize that ‘replacement’ isn’t entirely true.The skills earned from use paired with AI allow the worker to go further and beyond what is capable.

NaPodPoMo 2024 Episode 12

Participation is critical to better understanding and maintaining interest on a subject. Research and looking up every aspect can only reveal so much and sometimes the best method is to jump right in and figure it out.Don’t fall into analysis paralysis, enter the space and see what happens!

NaPodPoMo 2024 Episode 11

Filler words are a constant in these new spaces. The words spoken don’t actually mean what the definition is of the word means. It’s a buzz-word put there to make the application or service seem more enticing.Don’t get caught in the false words brought up to describe a subject. Look up the actual definition and […]

NaPodPoMo 2024 Episode 10

Ownership is a big pull for Blockchain and somewhat of a push for using Generative AI. It’s pretty confusing understanding what is meant by ‘Ownership’ as the definition is not what the word truly means. There are some key elements I’ve discovered that might clear up some points of Ownership and what it means to […]

NaPodPoMo 2024 Episode 9

Finding out what is applicable to oneself is, I think, a critical aspect for motivation to continue learning about subjects such as Blockchain, Generative AI, and Ownership. If I wasn’t working on things that I found personally interesting in these spaces I probably would’ve given up on these topics long ago. Once the base knowledge […]