Better Sifting Through Results

(Originally Posted on August 31st 2023)

There are so many topics relating to any of the subjects I talk about that even doing a web search for a certain piece can be difficult. It’s important to figure out how to properly refine the search engines to help find the exact topic. Every search engine has a method to get ‘exact’ results and knowing how to use them is an important element to learn for finding relevant research material.

The ‘Search Engine refinement’ skill is often overlooked by many. It is a valuable skill to learn for not just research but also anything of interest. Typing in a “subject and date” might get results but it can also bring up results from an earlier date or an outdated article that talks about the subject. Finding correct results is key to progressing research and having to sift through all the trash is just a waste of valuable time and effort.

Finding out how to optimize time and energy should always be a goal when learning.

Helpful Links: – Ways to refine the Bing search parameters – All the methods to achieve better results from a Google search