(Originally Posted on September 5th 2023) Discord started out as a voice chat for gamers but has evolved into a hub for any project to have a channel where they can actively share information at any time with everyone. It can be slightly confusing to understand and navigate if there is no prior experience with […]
Knowledge Base
Dabbling with Generative A.I.
(Originally Posted on September 5th 2023) Even if there are no plans to ‘use’ A.I. or include it in a business, it is still important to at least know the capabilities A.I. possesses and how others might use it, either to communicate, give an example of the work the customer wants done or to recognize […]
Feeling spread thin while trying to learn?
(Originally Posted on September 4th 2023) I have found it incredibly easy to get lost in my search for knowledge in these subjects. It’s just too damn much for anybody to learn about all at once. My advice is to learn one thing at a time. Even the foundation of any of the subjects I […]
Better Sifting Through Results
(Originally Posted on August 31st 2023) There are so many topics relating to any of the subjects I talk about that even doing a web search for a certain piece can be difficult. It’s important to figure out how to properly refine the search engines to help find the exact topic. Every search engine has […]
Keeping the Inspiration
(Originally Posted on August 30th 2023) Learning all these subjects is a task in itself and after a while, I have a hard time wanting to continue keeping up with the latest news. The technology keeps updating, the rules continue changing, and the parameters that were once the ‘foundation’ that everybody agreed to is a […]
How Much to Share with A.I.
(Originally Posted on August 28th 2023) Usually, whatever is shared with a generative A.I. is partially saved by the database the A.I. pulls information from. This is done to grow the capabilities of the A.I. and help give the developers more things to use for further development of the A.I. Main line businesses shouldn’t worry […]
Acting on Ideas
(Originally Posted on August 25th 2023) Entrepreneurs get ideas all the time, It’s just natural. There are always going to be questions of “How can I even approach this?”, “Is there even a market for this?”, “What knowledge is required to start?”, “How can others take this seriously?”. Thoughts like this can drown the idea […]
Take an hour to mull over thoughts
(Originally Posted on August 22nd 2023) When every source has been found and researched it is important to take some time to think it over. How will this new avenue affect the venture? What are the next steps necessary? How much time will it take to accomplish? It might help to take the time to […]
What are the benefits of Web3?
(Originally Posted on August 21st 2023) “Web 3” is a decentralized internet but it isn’t supposed to replace the current internet. “Web 2” is the current internet where users congregate towards websites such as ‘Twitter'(X), ‘Facebook'(Meta), ‘Linkedin’, to discuss, debate, and express themselves on a social platform while companies such as ‘Amazon’, ‘Walmart’, ‘Macy’s’ and […]
Figuring out what the best format is to learn
(Originally Posted on August 18th 2023) People are different, (Surprise!), and there are many formats to receive information. Finding the best option varies from person to person. Audio such as podcasts or recordings, Videos showing speakers or demonstrations, Reading Infographs and articles, interviews featuring a guest or talking deep dives about a subject, the variety […]