Knowledge Base

Acting on Ideas

(Originally Posted on August 25th 2023) Entrepreneurs get ideas all the time, It’s just natural. There are always going to be questions of “How can I even approach this?”, “Is there even a market for this?”, “What knowledge is required to start?”, “How can others take this seriously?”. Thoughts like this can drown the idea […]

What are the benefits of Web3?

(Originally Posted on August 21st 2023) “Web 3” is a decentralized internet but it isn’t supposed to replace the current internet. “Web 2” is the current internet where users congregate towards websites such as ‘Twitter'(X), ‘Facebook'(Meta), ‘Linkedin’, to discuss, debate, and express themselves on a social platform while companies such as ‘Amazon’, ‘Walmart’, ‘Macy’s’ and […]

Figuring out what the best format is to learn

(Originally Posted on August 18th 2023) People are different, (Surprise!), and there are many formats to receive information. Finding the best option varies from person to person. Audio such as podcasts or recordings, Videos showing speakers or demonstrations, Reading Infographs and articles, interviews featuring a guest or talking deep dives about a subject, the variety […]