(Originally Posted on December 1st 2023) I’ve found out that I don’t actually start on my projects until 11am. It doesn’t matter how early I wake up or how many things were done prior or need to be done in the morning, 11AM is the time that I can begin. Finding that time when things […]
Knowledge Base
Saying Goodbye to A.I.
(Originally Posted on November 21st 2023) I used to interact with a chatbot called ‘Cleverbot’. It learned from the many discussions that people had with it and the responses were always whacky at the beginning. Eventually though, after spending time focusing its attention, the responses would seem more like what a regular human would respond […]
Using Generative A.I. to Examine Ideas
(Originally Posted on November 14th 2023) Ideas come and go but as long as they are properly written down and defined there is a chance that they could become tangible. Ideas for business, creation, invention, and methods are rarely just ‘One thing’. It is multiple pieces to form a concept, and in some areas, knowledge […]
Using Alternate Terms, Phrases, and Words
(Originally Posted on November 6th 2023) Words have power and if a word brings a bad taste to a person’s mouth then generally that word should be avoided at every opportunity. But how does one rename a concept that has no alternate phrase or title? Do I create a new word for it that is […]
Using Challenges to Learn
(Originally Posted on October 31st 2023) There are so many types of internet challenges that are always going on. Some people pay for the chance to opt in while others participate for free. Generative A.I. also has no shortage of challenges! Taking the time to partake in a challenge gives an opportunity to witness how […]
Theory vs Practical
(Originally Posted on October 28th 2023) By now almost every article, post, video, and explanation gives an example of what these new platforms CAN do, but how often do the articles, posts, and videos show off some examples or actual cases of use on their channel/website? There are individuals who share their experiences using a […]
Making Time to Learn, Work, Experience, and Grow
(Originally Posted on October 25th 2023) Learning all these subjects (Generative A.I., Web 3, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency,) is a time-consuming task that shouldn’t be tackled all at once. Take the time to fully understand one subject, then move onto a similar subject so that the foundation is already there. I am learning about these subjects […]
Entrepreneur Tip: Keep Track of Ideas
(Originally Posted on October 21st 2023) I cannot stress the importance of writing down ideas that form out of seemingly nothing. It may seem like such a grand idea that it can’t be forgotten but trying to remember the exact purpose of the idea and the reasoning of its creation at another time is often […]
Lining up the Purpose and Utility toward my Goal
(Originally Posted on October 14th 2023) For me, the biggest topic I research is the ‘purpose’ of a tool, platform, application, or asset. and the ‘Utility’ behind them. I think understanding where I stand within the concept gives me a clear idea of how I should use it. Looking up articles or videos explaining why […]