Category: “Generative A.I.”

Looking at how the Workers are Using the Technology

(Originally Posted on March 26th 2024) There are many example ‘Use Cases’ of a technology when it’s talked about. “It can do this, It can do that, It might be used for those, they can be utilized to shortcut these.” That’s all good to hear but theory and practical application are two completely different spheres […]

Observing how other Nations and Countries are adopting the Tech

(Originally Posted on March 18th 2024) I’ve noticed many conferences and speakers events happening in countries that have a lax demeanor towards new technology such as Web3/Blockchain, Generative A.I. and all the facets they bring to the table. They don’t have as big an issue with the technology and thus are  likely to benefit the […]

Revisiting the Foundation

(Originally Posted on February 21st 2024) It’s good to review more recent informational videos on these new technologies(Blockchain, Web3, Generative A.I.) as now the instructors better understand what they are teaching and there isn’t as much of a ‘hype’ cloud surrounding these subjects that could hinder the knowledge being taught entirely. Recent tutorials/instructors now have […]

Having a Destination for Creation

(Originally Posted on February 7th 2024) I’ve stated this before but I had a hard time trusting a platform with my original creations. I was unsure how ‘safe’ they were from deletion from an entity within the platform that would decide to delete my creations for no purpose other than ‘Just Because’. Many creators have […]