Category: Web3

Ownership and How it Ties to Creation

(Originally Posted on May 27th 2024) I feel like ‘Ownership’ is being left by the wayside on many fronts and that is a huge mistake. Corporations are already phasing out ‘Physical Assets’ and only allowing usage of a device/tool with a ‘subscription’ instead of handing out a ‘Certificate’ of Ownership upon purchase. I think multiplayer […]

Using an Asset to it’s Fullest Potential

(Originally Posted on April 8th 2024) The redefinition of ‘Asset’ is important to learn right now. Physical assets are known and are usually referred as items/things within ones possession/holdings. But what about in a digital space? Recognizing that every comment, post, upload, and creation submitted on a digital platform are assets gives an individual more […]

Having a Destination for Creation

(Originally Posted on February 7th 2024) I’ve stated this before but I had a hard time trusting a platform with my original creations. I was unsure how ‘safe’ they were from deletion from an entity within the platform that would decide to delete my creations for no purpose other than ‘Just Because’. Many creators have […]

Making Time to Learn, Work, Experience, and Grow

(Originally Posted on October 25th 2023) Learning all these subjects (Generative A.I., Web 3, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency,) is a time-consuming task that shouldn’t be tackled all at once. Take the time to fully understand one subject, then move onto a similar subject so that the foundation is already there. I am learning about these subjects […]

Staying Current with Technology Developments

(Originally Posted October 8th 2023) By now, everybody has an explanation of what ‘Blockchain’, ‘Generative A.I.’ and ‘Web3’ are, and every new article, video, or audio released will usually have a quick overview of what they are at the beginning before talking about the headlined topic. Different sites will often show the same piece of […]

Figuring out what ‘Ownership’ means

(Originally Posted on September 26th 2023) There are a lot of terms and buzzwords thrown around for many of the ‘attractive’ concepts surrounding these subjects but the majority of the words often used are actually in the wrong definition/context. It is incredibly important to realize the exact definition when getting immersed in these new technologies.  […]

Where to find ‘Web3’

(Originally Posted on September 20th 2023) ‘Web 3’ Isn’t exactly a location… It is websites and applications linked together and accessed through a blockchain via an account or wallet. Creation of a blockchain account or associated wallets can seem overly technical but is usually simple. Upon setup, the account creator is given a set of […]

What are the benefits of Web3?

(Originally Posted on August 21st 2023) “Web 3” is a decentralized internet but it isn’t supposed to replace the current internet. “Web 2” is the current internet where users congregate towards websites such as ‘Twitter'(X), ‘Facebook'(Meta), ‘Linkedin’, to discuss, debate, and express themselves on a social platform while companies such as ‘Amazon’, ‘Walmart’, ‘Macy’s’ and […]

Learning about what they do and how to use

(Originally Posted on August 11th 2023) All these ventures I’ve learned about are in their early stages of development and while many have already achieved success using them there are still many more heights to reach with any of these pieces of technology. Although many call these things a “Replacement” for what is currently available […]