Feeling spread thin while trying to learn?

(Originally Posted on September 4th 2023)

I have found it incredibly easy to get lost in my search for knowledge in these subjects. It’s just too damn much for anybody to learn about all at once. My advice is to learn one thing at a time. Even the foundation of any of the subjects I talk about may be difficult to comprehend the first time learning about it! It’s ridiculous how much it ‘feels’ like there is pressure to know every single facet of a subject when there is actually none. Don’t get caught up in the hype!

It’s easy to get caught up in the hype and to witness what others are doing with these technologies is incredible but they are all getting caught up in the nitty-gritty aspects of the technology that requires specific knowledge and the ability to ‘fine-tune’ the technology to achieve what they’re showing. Figure out the concepts first and then test out what is taught before experimenting with these prospects.

These new technologies might be life changing and not many people want to pass up a chance to change their life, but just take a breath and realize that this is still the early days of these topics and there will be easier methods to get the same results than what the early adopters are showing and with less hassle! If it feels like the path is lost, just know it’s easier to start back at the beginning and try again than to fix something that isn’t attuned to the regular user.

Helpful Links:

https://www.dreamhost.com/blog/guide-to-generative-ai/ – Helpful beginners guide to Generative A.I.

https://coingeek.com/blockchain101/blockchain-basics-key-things-to-know-as-a-beginner/ – Helpful beginners guide to Blockchain

https://www.ccn.com/web3-0-guide-understanding-the-basics-of-web3/ – Helpful beginners guide to Web 3