Having a Destination for Creation

(Originally Posted on February 7th 2024)

I’ve stated this before but I had a hard time trusting a platform with my original creations. I was unsure how ‘safe’ they were from deletion from an entity within the platform that would decide to delete my creations for no purpose other than ‘Just Because’. Many creators have lost hours of their published works with no explanation or reason given for the deletion.

I’ve begun publishing my creations in multiple places, which should be apparent to any creator who wants others to see their work, but I’ve begun using Web 3 as a starting point for my creations before spreading them out. Why? Because the ‘immutable‘ aspect ensures my creation will have ‘staying’ power.and from there I can repurpose it as I see fit.

It’s a bit of an arduous process that takes some time to rewrite the post for each new platform but the core of the subject is there. Why would I bother doing this when I have a Personal blog? Well, I don’t want my creations to be wiped in an error from the hosting site or a malicious attack. Atleast on Web 3 it is partially protected by the Blockchain. It’s not a ‘time capsule’ situation but it is a good place for creations to live.

I am also doing this to ‘eat’ what I am ‘cooking’, if that anology fits, I often talk about these aspects and how they can be used but who will trust somebody who doesn’t utilize it themselves? I figured I should show others how it works if possible. But what else can I do with this ‘multi-posting’ on different spaces? Well it gives credence to the fact that I created these posts/articles. In a time where ‘Ownership’ on digital platforms are being thrown to the wind by platforms and companies it is incredibly important to have multiple sources to point to if anything unscrupulous occurs from a bad actor.

“What about Generative A.I.?” I have an eventual plan of using some of my creations in a ‘Generative A.I.’ to see what it produces. I mean, if I own the original creations that are the ‘input’ and have proof that it came from me originally then I should be good using any ‘Output’ it generates in any manner. “What’s the point?” Everybody wants to confirm that there is actual ‘proof’ of ownership over ‘creations’, either the inputs used in a ‘Generative A.I.’ or actual painstakingly crafted creations. I think this ‘process’ of using ‘Web 3’ to ‘Web 2’ Platforms to eventual ‘Generative A.I.’ will be enough proof for anybody.

Of course, creating the body of work is always the difficult part. Good thing I am starting now!

– Helpful Tips

– Don’t trust Platforms to ‘save’ content. Always have a backup or copy of creations.

– Have a clear goal and figure out the tools/assets and their use cases to reach that goal

– Research, catalogue, and double check before trusting a platform.