How Much to Share with A.I.

(Originally Posted on August 28th 2023)

Usually, whatever is shared with a generative A.I. is partially saved by the database the A.I. pulls information from. This is done to grow the capabilities of the A.I. and help give the developers more things to use for further development of the A.I. Main line businesses shouldn’t worry too much about this ‘Stored data’, just make sure there is an understanding of what to display to customers if using A.I. in any regard.

For personal use, there should be more caution when using an A.I. Whatever ‘personal’ info (Ideas, plans, art, stories, thoughts) that is shared might get put into the database as well. And while many developers ‘promise’ that information given to their A.I. models isn’t leaked or accessible to others, it shouldn’t be left to chance.

A.I. is an assistant tool that can shortcut many of the mundane tasks but it is not an employee or contractor, it is a tool that is available to anybody who signs up with the company/development team hosting it. the status of ‘privacy with A.I.’ is currently in the air and the responsibility of how much information that is given to a generative A.I. is up to the ‘prompter’.

Stay safe and always do your research before using a ‘Generative A.I.’!

Helpful Links: – Helpful advice on how to protect privacy. – General rule from lawyers about AI Policies. – An article explaining how A.I. developers use that data.