Keeping up with use cases

Blockchain and ‘Generative A.I.’ are often explained with example use cases to give an idea of what they are capable of but to actually witness those examples be used in real world cases is an aspect that many don’t follow up on.

I often try and find videos or articles of people that have experience using the technology for that exact example use case. It’s quite interesting see how its done too! Farmers using Blockchain Technology to keep track and sell produce directly to a distributor without a middle man, Creators utilizing certain aspects of ‘Generative A.I.’ to help their creation process or to fast track an aspect that is monotonous using pre-trained models they’ve previously worked on/with, hearing how developers are harnessing the new avenues that these technologies bring, and more.

It’s one thing to say ‘This technology can do this!’ and another to actually show people using it for those purposes. It’s actually easier than many think to get to that ‘example’ point, as many farmers and creators are proving, showing, and benefitting from.

Looking up a technology and a broad use term will bring surface results with many articles/videos that just give a brief description and example we all know and have heard by now. By typing in a profession and how they are using technology with a use case, I see a lot more in depth results opened up to me to explore.

Don’t believe the technology is limited, if farmers and creators are already using it to their advantage, why couldn’t I also take advantage of the technology? I have practically the same access to the technologies that everybody else does. I shouldn’t be limited by how I think it ‘should‘ work, I should instead be empowered by how it ‘can‘ work.

– Helpful Advice –

– Always dig deeper when searching results. Use different keywords, look up various countries and industries, limit the time frame of results pulled up.

– Don’t chase Fear of Missing out(FoMo), instead look at prospects of a technology that seem interesting and figure out how to benefit from that aspect.

– Thinking outside the box with these technologies will certainly help with unique ideas.

Stay Knowledgeable!