Learning about what they do and how to use

(Originally Posted on August 11th 2023)

All these ventures I’ve learned about are in their early stages of development and while many have already achieved success using them there are still many more heights to reach with any of these pieces of technology. Although many call these things a “Replacement” for what is currently available I think of them more as tools to accomplish a goal. 

Blockchain with Web3 grants me ownership of my content, which is hard to grab with other platforms, everything I post on there is chained to my account and can be looked upon by anyone at any time. Developers are paving the way to make it more accessible to everyone and I think it will be a great platform for a person-to-person interactive environment. Owning personal content to use at any time is a powerful tool in anyone’s arsenal.

Cryptocurrency was created to be an alternative to FIAT but not to replace it entirely. While many people have gone ‘crypto crazy’ by creating a variety of alternate cryptos and hyping up prices, the base idea is still there and can be utilized for its intended purpose of being a form of currency that can be transferred almost instantly without fees. Many companies around the world are beginning to accept Cryptocurrency as a form of payment for services. Having access to an (almost globally accepted)currency anywhere around the world(with digital access) is a tool that shouldn’t go unappreciated.

“Artificial Intelligence” is meant to be an assistant with all types of work to fast-track many of the mundane or repetitive tasks, not a replacement for workers. Though many corporations are saying they will use “A.I.” I think it’s currently a phase of having access to a ‘new shiny toy’. The “Intelligence” is smart but not wise, the “Artificial” looks great but people will know it’s not genuine. That is why I often use quotations when talking about it, it isn’t like the A.I.’s we see in movies at all(Yet…?). A.I. is like any piece of new equipment, it is meant to expedite a process but still needs people with experience to use it correctly. I know generative A.I.’s can be used to ‘create’ all types of work in almost every medium but an expert who has a deep knowledge of creation in their field will instantly spot the mistakes or ‘artificial’ness of the work. 

The mindset needs to change from ‘How is this replacing this?” to “How could I use this to make a situation better?”. There is generally a lot of ‘Fear of anything new’ that arises whenever a new object that could ‘shake the foundations of what we know’ appears. Even if I didn’t plan to use any of these things, I think it is better to be ‘in the know’ than ‘unaware’.

Helpful Advice:

– Take time to learn just the basics.

– These fields are always changing. Try to find recent information within a month timeframe to stay relevant

– Experience always beats research. Test it out and see how it works.

– Document or record personal ‘Breakthroughs’