Living in the Subject

I noticed that when I am watching video tutorials or explanations of a topic, I tend to pay more attention to the individuals that have objects cluttered in the background relevant to the subject.

I get having a clean background for introductions and for interviews or presentations, but having the equipment of the subject in the background, I feel, adds credibility to the explainer. These ‘instructors’ don’t just know about the subject, but they LIVE in the subject.

That authenticity the clutter brings just appeals to me on so many levels. My most recent example of this:

I was researching ‘servers’ for home and personal use and many of the videos I saw had the basic ‘Clean blurry’ background that many channels feature. The videos were informative but a bit basic. I clicked on the next video and I immediately noticed wires going up and down the walls in the background, server brackets in the corner of the frame, and all types of connection points. The instructor in the video would explain the many different server types and then pick up the camera and walk around the room to point out their different server devices and what they used it for.

I feel better knowing I am gathering knowledge from somebody who, I can plainly see, uses what they talk about and has it as apart of their life.

Many of the videos I examine are too clean and I sometimes feel like the individual in the video doesn’t actually utilize the concept they are explaining. But to actually see an aspect of the subject on a desk, along the screen, or in the background, gives me comfort that they do walk the walk and talk the talk.

Just an observation I’ve noticed while figuring out if the source of information is solid and not just somebody who read the basic idea/concept of the subject.

Thank you for reading.

Stay Knowledgeable!