Many Processes to Accomplish One Goal

(Originally Posted December 1st 2023)

It’s difficult for me to remember my goals when there are so many processes in between that have to be accomplished to actually make progress toward that goal. It’s ridiculous the things I find myself doing or learning and wondering why I am even interacting with this task before I remember that this has to be finished to get to the next step of what I want to do… Until I remember that there is another part of the process that has to be accomplished before I can begin on that step.

It’s many small things to accomplish the ‘big thing’ and I lose focus and sight of what the end product was going to be. I have to just pull myself together sometimes, step back for a moment, and look at the bigger picture. Yes I am currently fixing something because the previous thing wasn’t working right, and that previous thing needed a simple workaround but I needed to learn how to do that when all I wanted was to create something that should’ve been so simple.

How silly is it to get caught up in other tasks when all I wanted was just one thing? Well its especially true with entrepreneurship, ‘Generative A.I.’, Blockchain, and Web3. Don’t lose sight of the bigger picture and that specific goal that requires all these other processes to be accomplished.

Helpful Advice:

– Write down the process and the goal so it is easy to remember if there are questions on why work on ‘this’ process is being done

– It does take many small things to reach the ‘one big thing’, so understanding that now will help later.

– Once the ‘process’ is done, move on quickly before it rears its head again!