My Use Case for Generative A.I.

(Originally Posted on February 17th 2024)

There’s so much that Generative A.I. offers others that it can seem sort of overwhelming at how much the technology offers a creative individual. But staying focused and finding a personal use case is always preferred. I use Generative A.I.(LLM) as a sounding board to bounce ideas off of. 

I am always thinking of interesting concepts and I have no idea how they’ll work. I’ll write down as much as possible about the concept in my own personal notes before throwing a barebones version into the ‘Generative A.I.’ to give feedback. The Generative A.I. is usually helpful and offers insight in areas of my idea that I hadn’t thought of. From there I can expand the idea further if it still sounds feasible and do my research on how I would go about attempting to make the idea a reality. 

There are many tools becoming widely available to the population, not utilizing them would be a huge waste of that accessibility. In Star Trek, the reason why civilization became so advanced is because many of the things humanity struggled over just became widely available. This is an extreme example, but if tools such as the ability of ‘Generative A.I.’ are becoming more available than why wouldn’t we use them?

Food for Thought I suppose.

Helpful Advice:

– Find a personal use case and look up how the tools in ‘Generative A.I.’ can help!

– Don’t get lost in the hype. Stay focused and achieve results

– Keep researching! Learn the tools and how they should be properly used.