Finding a space to create can be difficult to find, Platforms offer rented land, shifting sand that isn’t a good place to plant creations and other options such as a website plus hosting seems incredibly expensive at the beginning of a creators journey.
Where is a good place to begin? A creator generally has an idea of what they want to create and other ideas that need a foundation to be placed upon. Finding a place to plant those creations always seems like the hardest part to me but I’ve (re)discovered some solutions.
If there is no care for being found on search engines, easy website creation services are a possible solution. The are considered sub-domains because they leave a little (.Company) at the end of the created url/site address but that can be solved by purchasing a domain and linking it over. The more unique a domain the lower the price generally is and it’s just a matter of renewing the domain license after that. Hosting is the act of making that domain address accessible online but it seems like a low(er) cost alternative to buying and maintaining domain and hosting.
For keeping an archive of personal digital creations before sharing them to popular social platforms, there is storage on a personal machine or email service that can be tied to a domain. The personal domain seems to be a key factor when trying to find ownership solutions but that unique address marks it as the creators. Email services with a domain can be used to store or hold creations because email is essentially a storage of information. It would be a place only the creator would have access too and drafts stored in there are only able to be accessed for the account holder. It’s low-key and requires minimal input once the email and domain are set up and linked together.
The only other option I’ve rediscovered is Web3 blogs. I use as a blockchain/blog and the wallet keys gives access to the account which is given a blog on the Hive blockchain. There are community aspects on Hive that many focus on but the Personal blog on there is another piece of ownership that I maintain. I had gotten lost in the communities that I forgot about my blog and I realized that my blog on Hive is a solid place to create on because I wasn’t looking for what I created to reach the masses in a community, but to be a place to hold my images and words before I could share them to a platform such as X.
I feel free knowing that I’ve already had these options available but I had gotten lost in the details. When I went to go look up what I needed to create an idea I was sighing as I began the research before I had remembered that I already had these spaces created and ready for me to create on. Of course, none of these options are 100% but they are manageable on some level that is relatively easy and low cost if done properly.
The ability to create should never be thwarted.
Stay Knowledgeable!