Pandora’s 2023 ‘Unboxing of Artificial Intelligence'(Generative A.I.)

(Originally Posted July 21st 2023)

The year 2023 has unveiled so much concerning “Artificial Intelligence”. Creating images and art, composing newsletters and emails, easily generating code for a website or program, and directing messaging with emotional tones that were created by an “A.I.”. The A.I. is able to generate practically anything for any platform and it all starts with a simple ‘Prompt’ from a user. The news on A.I. has been a rapid stream of information this year and often any articles read about whatever factor of A.I. 2 days ago are already obsolete with new articles being published about the same A.I. It’s ridiculous to try and get a handle on what’s happening!

Even trying to find out which A.I. does what is difficult to understand at times and the search can seem arduous. While it is difficult to keep up on the news with A.I., finding places to LEARN about A.I. shouldn’t be. Just learning important foundational will give a better idea of what these “A.I.” actually are and how they can be used.

“Prompting” is going to be the first piece. Every A.I. has to be told or “Prompted” what to do and how it should be generated, which platform the subject matter should be designed for, the type of attitude and emotion the A.I. should try to add, how the subject matter should be laid out, and more little nuances that could affect creation/generation.

There is so much noise revolving around A.I., both positive and negative, that it is tough to figure out whether to use it or not. Whatever is decided, “Artificial Intelligence” tools and software are most likely here to stay. It’s better to know about A.I. and how to utilize it than to be clueless and uncertain of why everybody is concerned about the roles “A.I.” is filling.

Take the first steps and learn from these helpful links!: – An educational site that gives an overview and in-depth look at the different types of A.I. – An aggregator of all types of A.I. programs and sites. Best used to see what type of A.I. tools are being created out there. – Googles training course surrounding A.I. Quizzes at the end of each lesson to help memorize terms and phrases often used with A.I.