The Perilous Adventure of Ownership

I am finding that in order to retain/maintain ownership over digital assets, I am having to venture into an area I am not familiar with: Extremely customizable personal devices and open sourced operating systems.

It’s a whole other level of ownership that requires responsibility that many might not be eager to take. There is no real ‘Reset’ button a service or platform can offer, if I mess up it’s all on me to try and fix it or start over from scratch entirely.

I’ve gotten stressed out with technology before but there is an added pressure when messing around with this technology. It feels like if I mess up one step than the whole thing is ruined.

It’s not as bad as it sounds but it does feel gut wrenching to me when I follow the steps and the outcome gives me an error. Did I just lose all my progress that I worked on? Is the device or software now inoperable? What if I just bricked the whole thing? All of these thoughts crossed my mind when, in actuality, I was just sitting there waiting to see an indication of life after performing an action.

Of course, it worked out. I am just unfamiliar with how fast or slow the actions take on both the device and the operating system. But like any adventure, there is a feeling of bettering my status after I’ve succeeded in my goal and understanding of what to expect the next time I come across the situation and the intended outcome.

It’s all to pave a better foundation for myself and my creations so I have authority and can claim ownership over them in the long run. That, to me, is definitely worth all of the stress, trials, and tribulations I’ve felt so far.

Ownership is a responsibility on any level and understanding what comes with that responsibility is part of what makes it so enticing to claim and maintain.

Stay Knowledgeable!