Responsible Ownership

I am scared of the responsibility of Ownership. The only weak link is me and if I screw it up than everything I worked on is either damaged, gone, or inaccessible entirely. There is no support line I can talk to or ask to redo everything that’s happened to try and save some of the owned assets.

The only option if a total loss occurs, usually, is to start over completely. Starting over on anything usually sucks. Work documents, research papers, finding new resources, it’s just a demoralizing experience when building something.

Thankfully, others have experienced that total loss and want to prevent it from happening to others by sharing ways to notice or prevent total loss events that could occur. Backups, monitoring equipment and routine checkups of assets, along with how to recover or even restore prospects to another medium which can carry the torch for all of the owned assets.

There are many research points, knowledge insights, and experiences that come with ownership. The markers on how to figure it out are out there, all it takes it a proper guide and specific keyword to find out what could help prevent ‘Total Loss Events’.

I’m doing my research but the only way to gain the confidence to utilize Ownership is to actually participate and explore what can be done with it.

Stay Knowledgeable!