Reminder: Setbacks Are Not Full Stops

This month has been chock-full of time-occupying activities. I haven’t had much time to continue my research of Ownership, Blockchain, ‘Generative A.I.’, and other ventures of interest to me. It’s moments like these where I find that even taking the smallest action to get to the next step is a huge boon for me.

I had time but wasn’t motivated to research, learn, listen, or even look up topics relevant to my pursuit. I felt completely stuck. A day wasted is a day spent and I knew I had to do atleast one thing to feel a sense of ‘accomplishment’ for the day.

I gathered the necessary equipment, brought it back to my desk, and plugged everything in. The device started up once plugged in so I browsed around but I hit a few snags and powered down the device…

Afterwards I couldn’t stop thinking “Why did I hit those snags on the device when it’s supposed to just work?” Before I knew it, I started searching for how-tos and how to setup the applications on the device to see how it was all supposed to work.

I now have a better understanding of the device and its applications but I wouldn’t have gone down this path and learned if I had not done the bare minimum of bringing everything together and plugging it in.

Helpful Advice:

– If there is an action that don’t need to be taken but can be done, I think doing the bare minimum is always better than doing nothing.

– Any work put in is not a wasted effort. It is a step towards the goal

– Setbacks happen everywhere, everyway. Work through it and remember the goal, the purpose, and the reasons.

Stay Knowledgeable!