Starting Out Broad

When I start a project I need to start out broad. To me, the idea cannot be fine-tuned or ‘niched’ until I figure out how it’ll all come together. Model construction for example always starts with a foundation and the big pieces first that make up the distinct form of the model design THEN the smaller parts are included in the construction that add to the design giving the model the pieces of interest and after that can personal features/touches be added to give the model ‘character’ or a certain style that makes it stand out from the other models.

Learning and making broad is the foundation. It’s the beginnings of the project that give it legs and it is easy to then fine-tune it to what is required or needed. Fine-tuning is specific to the individual as there are probably many other projects of ideas already out there but this one is filling a specific need that is missing from the other projects.

In regards to research, for me, though the ‘broad’ is just learning about the subject. Blockchain, Generative A.I., Ownership, are all broad subjects that require understanding how all the pieces fit together and that takes knowing what a Blockchain is, what a Generative A.I. is, understanding Ownership and what it means in particular. Once I figure out the subject and decide what I want from them from there I can then get into Blockchain/Cryptocurrency utilities, Generative A.I.s that fill a specific role, and personal data storage servers. (Remember these are my interests)

After that I can then begin growing my knowledge on these subjects and spread out my understanding and knowledge about these things.

I use Blockchain ( to create posts and articles that will grow with the blockchain potentially forever. There is cryptocurrency and tokens involved with this process but their purpose is utility focused.

I crafted my own personal Generative A.I. to help be my ‘advisor’ for an idea. (OpenAI) The process is a lot simpler than it seems but the understanding of how a Generative A.I. works, the token limit, and how it generally processes input for the output helps me fine-tune the GPT model so it works with me and not me having to work on it every 5-10 prompts. Piece of advice: Having exact word definitions and being concise with instructions will help immensely with crafting a personal GPT.

I take part in ‘Ownership of Personal Data’ by not trusting everything to a cloud / online service. By storing digital files ‘locally’ or making backups that are offline / not connected (External drives, USB thumbsticks, actual personal servers like raspberry pi or umbrel). By inputting metadata into every file to leave my own personal trace / touch on a file so it can be confirmed as ‘mine’. But in order to figure out how to do all of these things and what they represent I needed to research servers, how webservices use their users data, and how to securely store/save personal data and keep it off services/online for others to seek or steal.

The knowledge is out there, it just takes knowing where to look to find it. I’ve given helpful resources in previous posts and even if those weren’t the readers cup of tea, there are plenty of tutorials, informational articles, and videos about these subjects and the steps to acquire them or utilize them for personal use.

These subjects require a broad approach but then singling out what is wanted will help achieve results that benefit in the long run.

Stay Knowledgeable this year and try to be well informed about what is happening.