Tag: information

What Does ‘Ownership on Web3’ mean?

(Originally Posted July 16th 2023) Bit of a wide question but I think the importance of ownership means more for small time developers and personal accounts. Many platforms on ‘Web 2’ usually retain the rights to anything and everything created on their platform. “Web 3” is about ownership of (self)creation regarding blog posts, personal photos, […]

Decentralized Internet

(Originally Posted July 14th 2023) There are always previous versions of technology that have their series and the Internet is no different. Web 1 was the beginning of users on the Internet with mainly personal webpages and basic hosting options. Web 2 is when the Internet became more accessible for everyone and where users are […]

What Is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency has become a wider phenomenon than expected. It was originally created as a way to instantly transfer digital funds to ensure the full amount made it to its destination without having to worry about intermediaries holding onto those funds for days at a time for ‘processing’ and taking a cut afterwards before passing it […]

What is Blockchain?

The concept of Blockchain is basically a ledger of information that is distributed to everybody on the network. Everybody agrees that the transaction happened and the data is supposed to be incredibly transparent so nothing is hidden or used for nefarious purposes. Once a transaction is made, it is nigh impossible to reverse as enacting […]