Tag: Utility

Ownership and How it Ties to Creation

(Originally Posted on May 27th 2024) I feel like ‘Ownership’ is being left by the wayside on many fronts and that is a huge mistake. Corporations are already phasing out ‘Physical Assets’ and only allowing usage of a device/tool with a ‘subscription’ instead of handing out a ‘Certificate’ of Ownership upon purchase. I think multiplayer […]

Ownership in Mind

(Originally Posted on May 1st 2024) I was surprised to see that stores are no longer offering physical copies of movies and music. Instead referring to their digital fronts for customers to acquire a license of the product. Licenses do not equal ownership. Licenses permit access to an object/product but can be revoked, expired, or […]

Using an Asset to it’s Fullest Potential

(Originally Posted on April 8th 2024) The redefinition of ‘Asset’ is important to learn right now. Physical assets are known and are usually referred as items/things within ones possession/holdings. But what about in a digital space? Recognizing that every comment, post, upload, and creation submitted on a digital platform are assets gives an individual more […]

Looking at how the Workers are Using the Technology

(Originally Posted on March 26th 2024) There are many example ‘Use Cases’ of a technology when it’s talked about. “It can do this, It can do that, It might be used for those, they can be utilized to shortcut these.” That’s all good to hear but theory and practical application are two completely different spheres […]

Observing how other Nations and Countries are adopting the Tech

(Originally Posted on March 18th 2024) I’ve noticed many conferences and speakers events happening in countries that have a lax demeanor towards new technology such as Web3/Blockchain, Generative A.I. and all the facets they bring to the table. They don’t have as big an issue with the technology and thus are  likely to benefit the […]