The Hype Mobile and Knowing When to Get Off

(Originally Posted on May 21st 2024)

I’ve started to think of the hype regarding a subject, usually technology, to be similar to a transport system. It brings many people to a new place and they stare in amazement and heavily discuss what they’re seeing until the transport sets off to its next destination. Many choose to stay on board to see the next ‘big’ thing instead of hopping off to explore what’s in front of them.

I’ve found Blockchain and Generative A.I. to be my stopping points, but since I have delved deeper into the subjects, I am now studying changes in Economics, Business, Ownership, the Definition of words and meaning in regards to these aspects, and finding myself astounded at how far this technology can go.

The Willy Wonka factory looked normal on the outside but the inside was far more complex than many thought and the depth of the process transcended people’s idea on how a candy factory operates. This could hold true for any other place that the Hype mobile stops next.

Understanding what is under the surface is more important to me than a brief wonder of the area before being whisked off to the next stop. (This is why I hate tour buses.) There is so much more under the surface of a technology, but the hype mobile hardly gives us time to realize what is truly in front of us. So if something is interesting on a personal level, feel free to ‘hop off’ the transport and explore what looked fascinating, it may become something that grows beyond what was thought imaginable.

=Helpful Advice:

– Communities, Interviews, Articles, are all good sources to find knowledge. The more recent the better!

–  Doing a search for keywords of a subject with an unrelated topic might show unique discussions, uses originally unintended for the subject that (somehow) work.

– The ‘Hype Mobile’ usually swings back around to drop off interested participants, Sharing knowledge with them is always helpful in the long run of the subject.